'Darcy and O'Mara' is a novel by Arthur Cronin.
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Thursday, June 29, 2006


Rock and Roll Gardening

My old shoes caked with mud and dirt,
I raked the moss and dug the earth.
I sowed the seeds and mowed the grass,
And said I'd need to go to mass

To make up for the swearing at
The weeds, the grass and all things that
Refuse to acquiesce to my
Demands to live and grow or die.

My shades determine what I see,
Just like that gardener on TV.
He makes his flower beds shock and stun,
Like Sid Vicious would have done.

I threw a whiskey bottle too.
I cursed and swore as it flew
Through the air, towards a tree.
I gave the finger to a bee.

But it's not the same as on the stage
When I was less in terms of age,
And so much more in other things,
When we were young and gods and kings.

Not that I was in a band,
Or ever failed to walk or stand
Because of substances consumed,
When we were young and dull and doomed.

Somewhere between rock and roll
And gardening, there lies my soul.
These two things meet in the world,
In bottles, rakes and F words hurled.

And making gardens shout and yell,
Breaking all the rules as well.
Designs that say 'I'm cool, I'm hot',
And 'up yours if you think I'm not'.

Very Slight Stories

Henry Seaward-Shannon

The East Cork Patents Office

The Tree and the Horse


Words are my favourite noises

Previous Poems

Poems from 2004
Poems from 2005



Gizmo's (Non)sense

Pretty Cunning

The Dossing Times


Cruiskeen Eile
Kevin Myers' blog (sorry, Colonel Kevin Myers).

The Chancer

Sinead Gleeson



August 2005   September 2005   October 2005   November 2005   December 2005   January 2006   February 2006   March 2006   April 2006   May 2006   June 2006   July 2006   August 2006   September 2006   October 2006   November 2006   December 2006   January 2007   February 2007   March 2007   April 2007   May 2007   June 2007   July 2007   August 2007   September 2007   October 2007   November 2007   December 2007   January 2008   February 2008   March 2008   April 2008   May 2008   June 2008   July 2008   August 2008   September 2008   October 2008   November 2008   December 2008   January 2009   February 2009   March 2009   April 2009   May 2009   June 2009   July 2009   August 2009   September 2009   October 2009   November 2009   December 2009   January 2010   February 2010   March 2010   April 2010   May 2010   June 2010   July 2010   August 2010   September 2010   October 2010   November 2010  

A Walk in the Rain

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